The Bloodworks Project
Our mission is to educate the community, especially the Asian community, about the process and benefits of donating blood, and ultimately recruit more blood donors through our partnership with Bloodworks NW.
Approximately 32,000 pints of blood are used each day in the United States. Find out more about our project and how you can help!
Organized two blood driveS with over 40 Verified donors
Hosted Two blood donation webinars
Published in local magazines and newspapers
Reached out to over 10,000 people through social media
The Story of Ed and Kirby Wong

Support our initiative to help save thousands of lives.
Ever since his son Kirby died from complications following heart surgery, Ed Wong has been on a mission to encourage Asians to donate blood. Kirby went through a staggering 544 units of blood in two and a half weeks while on life support because his body rejected every transfusion, which primarily came from Caucasian donors. Kirby eventually died at age 44, after building up antigens to Caucasian blood. His tragic death is an alarming wake-up call to minorities, that in the case of emergencies, suitable blood may not be available. While blood transfusions generally work across genetic and ethnic lines, it is almost always safer for those in need to receive blood from someone ethnically similar to them. Wong believes his son may have survived had he received blood from ethnically similar donors. Ed has never stopped fighting for his son, but continues to face challenges like the Asian community’s reluctance to donate blood. Although the need for more blood is universal, there is a specific disparity within Asian communities, brought on by cultural barriers and the lack of awareness of the need for long-term donation.