About Us
We are a group of Asian American high school students from the Puget Sound Area. Under the guidance of former mayor and current city councilman Conrad Lee, we’ve created this project with the sole purpose of increasing blood donation.

Lillian Huang
Project Leader
Lillian is a senior at Newport High School. She is passionate about meeting new people and giving back to the community. Outside of the Bloodworks Project, Lillian is involved with organizations like Sustainability Ambassadors and Action for Media Education. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, playing volleyball, and spending time with her friends.

Eric Liu
Website Manager
Eric is a senior at Newport High School. He is passionate about the Pathway Bloodworks mission: to provide blood to those in need of it. In his free time, Eric enjoys playing tennis and badminton, coding, and playing the violin.

Eric Han
Organization Liaison
Eric is a senior at Newport High School. He joined the Bloodworks Project after learning the importance of blood from his mother’s surgery. In his free time, Eric enjoys short runs, tennis, hiking, and lifting big during the summer.

Claire Wu
Social Media Manager
Claire is a junior at Eastside Preparatory School. She joined the Bloodworks Project team to help ensure that people, especially minority groups, can receive blood when they need it. She enjoys programming, graphic design, and spending time with friends. She also plays violin in BYSO and participates in a peer-mentoring program.

Yan is a sophomore at Juanita High School. He joined the Bloodworks Project to use what he’s got to help with the mission of the project, he’s also passionate about community service. He likes playing tennis, classical guitar, and programming.

Alice is a sophomore at Bellevue High School. She is passionate about
helping the community and psychology. In her free time, she enjoys snowboarding, hiking, spending time with her friends, and embroidery.

Sarah is a senior at Sammamish High School. She values working in a community to help others. She hopes to improve leadership and communication skills while working with the Bloodworks Project. Outside of this project, Sarah enjoys spending time with her friends and family.
George Wang
Data Scientist
George is currently a senior at Interlake High School. In his free time, George enjoys playing soccer and learning how to code. He believes he is unparalleled in fantasy football and likes helping others reach their workout goals.

Richard Yang
Project Leader
Richard is currently a senior at Newport High School. He is always on the lookout for new ways to impact his community and spread positivity. He also partakes in various other nonprofits and businesses to gain exposure to work environments and promote social good. At school, Richard is a member of the chess club, soccer team, and DECA. In his free time, Richard enjoys playing a variety of sports, watching entertaining shows, playing video games, and most importantly hanging out with his friends.