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Megan Yi

Digital Platform Team: Accomplishments, and What's Next

The Pathway Digital Platform Team was created in 2020 with the aim of renewing and renovating the current Pathway Foundation website. The team originally consisted of only two members but has recently expanded to include up to six.

Over the past year, members of the Digital Platform Team have been actively working and implementing drastic changes to the website. Firstly, the old design of the website has been completely scrapped. All the content on the current page were created in the past year, which includes information about the internship, information about the various projects included within Pathway, clubs, meetings, and more.

For the members of the team, being a part of the Digital Platform Team has allowed them to gain valuable knowledge on working with technology, and utilizing tools to create websites. The project has also given the members the opportunity to improve upon their content creation skills, all while reinforcing strong communication skills.

As stated by project leader Vincent Zhou, “the main website has been more or less completed”, however, small changes will continue to be pushed out. This means that we will see less drastic changes in the future for the current website.

However, just because the main website is mostly completed, does not mean that the website team plans to halt its actions. The team is actually working on a new project, which is to create a website for the newest project of Pathway, the Tutoring Project. The Tutoring Project has yet to be completed, and as the team leader states, we can “expect many changes there.”

Written By: Megan Yi

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