Civic Club Highlight - Interlake

The fourth club we will be keeping up with is the Interlake High School civics club!
Firstly, the Interlake civics club hosts monthly meetings, as they wish to be mindful of the students’ busy school lives, especially with the intensity of the IB program at Interlake. Due to COVID-19, the original plan of in-person volunteering is mostly void, and instead meetings will be STEM and civics-focused discussions each month.
Interlake civics club’s most recent topic has been centered around online learning, and the impact that COVID-19 has been having on it. The past year, COVID-19 seems to have taken a hold of our lives, and school has been no exception. There are huge difficulties that come with learning during a pandemic. Online learning can often feel frustrating at times due to the physical disconnect between teachers and students, which can make it very difficult for students to actively engage in the material. Additionally, the Interlake High School civics club discussed the general impacts of COVID-19, and how it has had varying effects on people of different social classes. This is a very important issue to discuss and acknowledge, especially when a lot of us are very privileged, and there are many people who must depend on going to work every day to survive.
Interlake civics club has decided to incorporate this topic by first educating club members with a brief presentation on the topic, which was then followed by a Socratic seminar-style discussion. The discussions last from an hour up to an hour and a half and club members are able to weigh their perspectives. Erik Ma, the club leader finds these discussions very engaging, as he states that, “it’s really cool to see the things that people have to say as these topics are relevant to each member on a personal level.”
Overall, the meetings for the Interlake civics club have gone well, and in the future, the Interlake civics club hopes to branch out their club to be able to reach even more people. They also hope to potentially have more meetings, which would of course come with more opportunities and activities as opposed to only discussions.
Club Instagram: @ihs.civicengagement
Written by Megan Yi