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  • Erik Ma

AYLearning: Speech Competition and Civic Engagement

Updated: Oct 25, 2020

If the future of our society is in young people, then it makes sense for us to cultivate the skills necessary to succeed within them. One organization which does such is AYLearning, an educational organization which seeks to teach its students the skills of public speech and debate. We partnered with them for their most recent speech competition which took place on June 10th at the Bellevue City Hall. At the event, Mayoral Intern Edwin Ong was invited to participate as a judge, and two interns—Kristin and Edwin— were given the opportunity to explain their projects and talk about the summer event. In addition, the attending mayoral interns also helped set up and clean up the venue. We would like to thank all participating interns, speakers, and the organizer, Sue, for making this a great event!

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